Input fields #
Employee No. #
Unique ID, generated at the first data save. The format and value of the next data in row is taken from the DOCUMENT NUMBERING (code = empnumber) data series.
Firtsname, Surname #
The name of the employee.
Status, Phone, Mobile, Email #
Contact data.
Start Date, End Date #
Employment start and end date.
Department #
An item of the department group should be set in this field.
Usergroup #
One of the usergroups handled under ACCESS RIGHTS. Mandatory.
Username #
Database login name. Should be unique on database level.
Usernames, passwords and access right settings specified here are also used by other programs of the Nervatura Framework, thus by the Nervatura HTTP API!
Comment #
Remarks field.
Related data #
Unlimited number of supplementary data can be added.
Country, State, Zipcode, City, Street, Comment
Unlimited number of address data can be added.
Unlimited number of events can be added.
Operations #
Password change possibility for the user on the form.
When the username for an employee is created for first time by default no password will be given by the program. However we highly recommend to set up a temporary password!
Users can modify their own password at any time, regardless of their other assigned user rights (under Setting/USER/CHANGE PASSWORD).
The user passwords are stored encrypted in the database. In case a password is forgotten it is only possible to change it, but the original one cannot be decrypted.
Set a bookmark for the record. Later can be loaded from bookmarks at any time.