
Overview #

The stock inventory list shows the availability of goods by quantities. However in some cases it might be needed to have the possibility to follow up a certain item individually. In this case it gets a unique identifier, specific data can be connected to it through additional data, events can be assigned, and also its move can be tracked.

A typical example could be the management of company cars, which requires recording of many different data types and events. Similarly to laptops and mobile phones, in which case it is possible to track also which user owns the phone at a certain time, and not only have the static recording of the characteristics of the device.

Input fields #

Serial #

The unique identifier of the TOOL. Can be set when the new TOOL is created, before first save. Cannot be modified later. If left empty, the program will automatically generate one before saving. The format and value of the next data in row is taken from the DOCUMENT NUMBERING (code = serial) data series.

Description #

The name of the TOOL or a brief description.

Group #

In this field a valid element of toolgroup group should be given.

Product No. #

The product type of the TOOL. Mandatory.

Comment #

Remarks field.


Unlimited number of supplementary data can be added.


Unlimited number of events can be added.

Operations #




Set a bookmark for the record. Later can be loaded from bookmarks at any time.