Overview #

Nervatura gRPC specification. For more examples, see Nervatura example application

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
UserLogin RequestUserLogin ResponseUserLogin Logs in user by username and password
UserPassword RequestUserPassword ResponseEmpty User (employee or customer) password change.
TokenLogin RequestEmpty ResponseTokenLogin JWT token auth.
TokenRefresh RequestEmpty ResponseTokenRefresh Refreshes JWT token by checking at database whether refresh token exists.
TokenDecode RequestTokenDecode ResponseTokenDecode Decoded JWT token but doesn’t validate the signature.
Get RequestGet ResponseGet Get returns one or more records
Update RequestUpdate ResponseUpdate Add/update one or more items
Delete RequestDelete ResponseEmpty Delete an item
View RequestView ResponseView Run raw SQL queries in safe mode
Function RequestFunction ResponseFunction Call a server-side function
Report RequestReport ResponseReport Create and download a Nervatura Report
ReportList RequestReportList ResponseReportList List all available Nervatura Report. Admin user group membership required.
ReportInstall RequestReportInstall ResponseReportInstall Install a report to the database. Admin user group membership required.
ReportDelete RequestReportDelete ResponseEmpty Delete a report from the database. Admin user group membership required.
DatabaseCreate RequestDatabaseCreate ResponseDatabaseCreate Create a new Nervatura database

Table of Contents #

Messages #

Address #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Value is a generated unique key identifier: {nervatype}/{refnumber}~{rownumber}. The rownumber is the order of multiple {nervatype}/{refnumber} keys. For example: customer/DMCUST/00001~1

  • nervatype: Valid values: customer, employee, event, place, product, project, tool, trans

  • ref_id: Valid values: customer/{custnumber}, employee/{empnumber}, event/{calnumber}, place/{planumber}, product/{partnumber}, project/{pronumber}, tool/{serial}, trans/{transnumber}

Field Type Description
id int64
nervatype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’nervatype')
ref_id int64 Reference to,,,,,,,
country string
state string
zipcode string
city string
street string
notes string
metadata repeated MetaData Address meta data

Barcode #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Barcode code

  • barcodetype: Valid values: CODE_128, CODE_39, EAN_13, EAN_8, QR

  • product_id: Product partnumber

Field Type Description
id int64
code string Each product can be connected to any number of bar codes, but the code must remain unique to ensure that the product is clearly identifiable.
product_id int64 Reference to
description string Comment related to the barcode. Informal, has no role in identification.
barcodetype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘barcodetype’).
qty double The actual amount of the products identified by the barcode. For example can be used for packaged goods, tray packaging.
defcode bool If more than one bar code is assigned, this will be the default. Because of the uniqueness of the barcode the product is always clearly identifiable, but in reverse case (eg. in case the barcode should be printed on a document) we must assign one being the default for that product.

Contact #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: The value is a generated constant key identifier: {nervatype}/{refnumber}~{rownumber}. The rownumber is the order of multiple {nervatype}/{refnumber} keys.

  • nervatype: Valid values: customer, employee, event, place, product, project, tool, trans

  • ref_id: Valid values: customer/{custnumber}, employee/{empnumber}, event/{calnumber}, place/{planumber}, product/{partnumber}, project/{pronumber}, tool/{serial}, trans/{transnumber}

Field Type Description
id int64
nervatype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’nervatype’)
ref_id int64 Reference to,,,,,,,
firstname string
surname string
status string
phone string
fax string
mobil string
email string
notes string
metadata repeated MetaData Contact meta data

Currency #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Currency curr
Field Type Description
id int64
curr string The ISO 4217 code of the currency.
description string The name of the currency.
digit int64 The number of decimal places used for recording and rounding by the program. Default: 2
defrate double Default Rate. You can specify an exchange rate vs. the default currency, which will be used by the reports.
cround int64 Rounding value for cash. Could be used in case the smallest banknote in circulation for that certain currency is not 1.
metadata repeated MetaData Currency meta data

Customer #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Customer custnumber

  • custtype: Valid values: own, company, private, other

Field Type Description
id int64
custtype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘custtype’)
custnumber string Unique ID. If you set it to numberdef, it will be generated at the first data save. The format and value of the next data in row is taken from the numberdef (numberkey = custnumber) data series.
custname string Full name of the customer
taxnumber string
account string
notax bool Tax-free
terms int64 Payment per.
creditlimit double Customer’s credit limit. Data is used by financial reports.
discount double If new product line is added (offer, order, invoice etc.) all products will receive the discount percentage specified in this field. If the product has a separate customer price, the value specified here will not be considered by the program.
notes string
inactive bool
metadata repeated MetaData Customer meta data

Deffield #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Deffield fieldname

  • nervatype: Valid values: address, barcode, contact, currency, customer, employee, event, item, link, log, movement, payment, price, place, product, project, rate, tax, tool, trans, setting

  • subtype: All groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal custtype, placetype, protype, toolgroup, transtype

  • fieldtype: Valid values: bool, date, time, float, integer, string, valuelist, notes, urlink, password, customer, tool, transitem, transmovement, transpayment, product, project, employee, place

Field Type Description
id int64
fieldname string
nervatype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’nervatype')
oneof _subtype.subtype optional int64 Reference to (where groupname in (‘custtype’,‘placetype’,’ protype’,’toolgroup’,’transtype’))
fieldtype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘fieldtype’)
description string
valuelist string If fieldtype=valuelist: valid values are listed, separated by ~
addnew bool When selected, the attribute in case of adding a new element (eg a new customer or employee is created) will automatically be created with the default value according to its type and also will be attached to the new element.
visible bool Can appear or not (hidden value) on the entry forms
readonly bool The value of the attribute can not be changed in the program interface

Employee #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Employee empnumber

  • usergroup: All groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal usergroup

  • department: All groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal department

Field Type Description
id int64
empnumber string Unique ID. If you set it to numberdef, it will be generated at the first data save. The format and value of the next data in row is taken from the numberdef (numberkey = empnumber) data series.
oneof _username.username optional string Database login name. Should be unique on database level.
usergroup int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘usergroup’)
oneof _startdate.startdate optional string
oneof _enddate.enddate optional string
oneof _department.department optional int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘department’)
registration_key string
inactive bool
metadata repeated MetaData Employee meta data

Event #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Event calnumber

  • nervatype: Valid values: customer, employee, place, product, project, tool, trans

  • ref_id: Valid values: customer/{custnumber}, employee/{empnumber}, place/{planumber}, product/{partnumber}, project/{pronumber}, tool/{serial}, trans/{transnumber}

  • eventgroup: All groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal eventgroup

Field Type Description
id int64
calnumber string Unique ID. If you set it to numberdef, it will be generated at the first data save. The format and value of the next data in row is taken from the numberdef (numberkey = calnumber) data series.
nervatype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’nervatype’)
ref_id int64 Reference to,,,,,,
uid string
oneof _eventgroup.eventgroup optional int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’eventgroup’)
fromdate string Datetime
oneof _todate.todate optional string Datetime
subject string
place string
description string
metadata repeated MetaData Event meta data

Fieldvalue #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: The value is a generated constant key identifier: {refnumber}~~{fieldname}~{rownumber}. The rownumber is the order of multiple {refnumber}~~{fieldname} keys.

  • ref_id: Valid values: {nervatype}/{refnumber}

Field Type Description
id int64
fieldname string Reference to Deffield.fieldname.
oneof _ref_id.ref_id optional int64 Reference to any where type = Deffield.nervatype. If it is null then nervatype = setting.
value string
notes string

Groups #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Group groupname~groupvalue
Field Type Description
id int64
groupname string
groupvalue string
description string
inactive bool

Item #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Trans and Item transnumber~rownumber

  • trans_id: Trans transnumber

  • product_id: Product partnumber

  • tax_id: Tax taxcode

Field Type Description
id int64
trans_id int64 Reference to
product_id int64 Reference to
unit string
qty double
fxprice double
netamount double
discount double
tax_id int64 Reference to
vatamount double
amount double
description string
deposit bool
ownstock double
actionprice bool
metadata repeated MetaData Item meta data

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: {nervatype_1}~{refnumber_1}~~{nervatype_2}~{refnumber_2}

  • nervatype_1: All groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal nervatype

  • ref_id_1: {nervatype_1}/{refnumber_1}

  • nervatype_2: All groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal nervatype

Field Type Description
id int64
nervatype_1 int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’nervatype')
ref_id_1 int64 Reference to {nervatype}.id
nervatype_2 int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’nervatype')
ref_id_2 int64 Reference to {nervatype}.id
metadata repeated MetaData Link meta data

Log #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: {empnumber}~{crdate}'

  • employee_id: Employee empnumber

  • ref_id: {nervatype}/{refnumber}

  • nervatype: All groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal nervatype

  • logstate: Valid values: update, closed, deleted, print, login, logout

Field Type Description
id int64
employee_id int64 Reference to
crdate string Date-time
oneof _nervatype.nervatype optional int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’nervatype')
oneof _ref_id.ref_id optional int64 Reference to {nervatype}.id
logstate int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’logstate')
metadata repeated MetaData Log meta data

MetaData #

Field Type Description
id int64
fieldname string Reference to Deffield.fieldname.
fieldtype string Reference to Deffield.fieldtype.
value string
notes string

Movement #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Trans and Item transnumber~rownumber

  • trans_id: Trans transnumber

  • product_id: Product partnumber

  • movetype: Valid values: inventory, tool, plan, head

  • tool_id: Tool serial

  • place_id: Place planumber

Field Type Description
id int64
trans_id int64 Reference to
shippingdate string Date-time
movetype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘movetype’)
oneof _product_id.product_id optional int64 Reference to
oneof _tool_id.tool_id optional int64 Reference to
oneof _place_id.place_id optional int64 Reference to
qty double
description string
shared bool
metadata repeated MetaData Movement meta data

Numberdef #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Numberdef numberkey
Field Type Description
id int64
numberkey string Unique key
prefix string The text prefix of the identifier. It can be any length, but usage of special characters, spaces in the text is not recommended.
curvalue int64 The current status of the counter, the next sequence number will be one value higher than this one. It is possible to re-set the counter, but the uniqueness must be ensured in all cases!
isyear bool If selected, the created identifier will contain the year.
sep string The separator character in the identifier. Default: “/”
len int64 The value field is arranged in such length to the right and filled with zeros.
description string
visible bool
readonly bool
orderby int64

Pattern #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Pattern description
Field Type Description
id int64
description string
transtype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’transtype')
notes string
defpattern bool

Payment #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Trans and Item transnumber~rownumber

  • trans_id: Trans transnumber

Field Type Description
id int64
trans_id int64 Reference to
paiddate string
amount double
notes string
metadata repeated MetaData Payment meta data

Place #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Place planumber

  • placetype: Valid values: bank, cash, warehouse, other

Field Type Description
id int64
planumber string Unique ID. If you set it to numberdef, it will be generated at the first data save. The format and value of the next data in row is taken from the numberdef (numberkey = planumber) data series.
placetype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘placetype’)
description string
oneof _curr.curr optional string
defplace bool
notes string
inactive bool
metadata repeated MetaData Place meta data

Price #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Price partnumber~validfrom~curr~qty

  • product_id: Product partnumber

Field Type Description
id int64
product_id int64 Reference to
validfrom string Start of validity, mandatory data.
oneof _validto.validto optional string End of validity, can be left empty.
curr string
qty double Price ranges can also be specified, thus different price can be set for a smaller and bigger quantity of the same product. The quantity should be used as the lower threshold, ie. this should be the minimum quantity for the price set.
pricevalue double Price value
vendorprice bool Supplier (if marked) or customer price. By default the customer price.
metadata repeated MetaData Price meta data

Product #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Product partnumber

  • protype: Valid values: item, service

  • tax_id: Tax taxcode

Field Type Description
id int64
partnumber string Unique ID. If you set it to numberdef, it will be generated at the first data save. The format and value of the next data in row is taken from the numberdef (numberkey = partnumber) data series.
protype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘protype’)
description string The full name of the product or short description.
unit string
tax_id int64 Reference to
notes string
webitem bool
inactive bool
metadata repeated MetaData Product meta data

Project #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Project pronumber

  • customer_id: Tax custnumber

Field Type Description
id int64
pronumber string Unique ID. If you set it to numberdef, it will be generated at the first data save. The format and value of the next data in row is taken from the numberdef (numberkey = pronumber) data series.
description string The name of the project.
oneof _customer_id.customer_id optional int64 Reference to
oneof _startdate.startdate optional string
oneof _enddate.enddate optional string
notes string
inactive bool
metadata repeated MetaData Project meta data

Rate #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Rate ratetype~ratedate~curr~planumber

  • place_id: Place planumber

  • ratetype: Valid values: rate, buy, sell,average

  • rategroup: all groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal rategroup

Field Type Description
id int64
ratetype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘ratetype’)
ratedate string
curr string
oneof _place_id.place_id optional int64 Reference to
oneof _rategroup.rategroup optional int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘rategroup’)
ratevalue double Rate or interest value
metadata repeated MetaData Rate meta data

RequestDatabaseCreate #

New database props.

Field Type Description
alias string Alias name of the database
demo bool Create a DEMO database

RequestDelete #

Delete parameters

Field Type Description
nervatype DataType
id int64 The object ID
key string Use Key instead of ID

RequestEmpty #

No parameters

RequestFunction #

Field Type Description
key string Server function name
values map RequestFunction.ValuesEntry The map of parameter values
value bytes Any json object. If it exists, the values are skip!

RequestFunction.ValuesEntry #

Field Type Description
key string
value Value

RequestGet #

Field Type Description
nervatype DataType
metadata bool
ids repeated int64
filter repeated string

RequestReport #

Field Type Description
reportkey string Example : ntr_invoice_en
orientation ReportOrientation
size ReportSize
output ReportOutput
type ReportType
refnumber string Example : DMINV/00001
template string Custom report JSON template
filters map RequestReport.FiltersEntry

RequestReport.FiltersEntry #

Field Type Description
key string
value Value

RequestReportDelete #

Field Type Description
reportkey string Example : ntr_invoice_en

RequestReportInstall #

Admin user group membership required.

Field Type Description
reportkey string Example : ntr_invoice_en

RequestReportList #

Field Type Description
label string

RequestTokenDecode #

Field Type Description
value string Access token code.

RequestUpdate #

Field Type Description
nervatype DataType
items repeated RequestUpdate.Item

RequestUpdate.Item #

Field Type Description
values map RequestUpdate.Item.ValuesEntry
keys map RequestUpdate.Item.KeysEntry

RequestUpdate.Item.KeysEntry #

Field Type Description
key string
value Value

RequestUpdate.Item.ValuesEntry #

Field Type Description
key string
value Value

RequestUserLogin #

Field Type Description
username string Employee username or Customer custnumber (email or phone number)
password string
database string Optional. Default value: NT_DEFAULT_ALIAS

RequestUserPassword #

Field Type Description
password string New password
confirm string New password confirmation
username string Optional. Only if different from the logged in user. Admin user group membership required.
custnumber string Optional. Only if different from the logged in user. Admin user group membership required.

RequestView #

Only “select” queries and functions can be executed. Changes to the data are not saved in the database.

Field Type Description
options repeated RequestView.Query The array of Query object

RequestView.Query #

Field Type Description
key string Give the query a unique name
text string The SQL query as a string
values repeated Value The array of parameter values

ResponseDatabaseCreate #

Result log data

Field Type Description
details ResponseRows

ResponseEmpty #

Does not return content.

ResponseFunction #

Field Type Description
value bytes

ResponseGet #

Field Type Description
values repeated ResponseGet.Value

ResponseGet.Value #

Field Type Description
oneof value.address Address
oneof value.barcode Barcode
oneof Contact
oneof value.currency Currency
oneof value.customer Customer
oneof value.deffield Deffield
oneof value.employee Employee
oneof value.event Event
oneof value.fieldvalue Fieldvalue
oneof value.groups Groups
oneof value.item Item
oneof Link
oneof value.log Log
oneof value.movement Movement
oneof value.numberdef Numberdef
oneof value.pattern Pattern
oneof value.payment Payment
oneof Place
oneof value.price Price
oneof value.product Product
oneof value.project Project
oneof value.rate Rate
oneof Tax
oneof value.tool Tool
oneof value.trans Trans
oneof value.ui_audit UiAudit
oneof value.ui_menu UiMenu
oneof value.ui_menufields UiMenufields
oneof value.ui_message UiMessage
oneof value.ui_printqueue UiPrintqueue
oneof value.ui_report UiReport
oneof value.ui_userconfig UiUserconfig

ResponseReport #

Field Type Description
value bytes

ResponseReportInstall #

Field Type Description
id int64 Returns a new report ID.

ResponseReportList #

Returns all installable files from the NT_REPORT_DIR directory (empty value: all available built-in Nervatura Reports)

Field Type Description
items repeated ResponseReportList.Info

ResponseReportList.Info #

Field Type Description
reportkey string
repname string
description string
label string
reptype string
filename string
installed bool

ResponseRows #

Field Type Description
items repeated ResponseRows.Item

ResponseRows.Item #

Field Type Description
values map ResponseRows.Item.ValuesEntry

ResponseRows.Item.ValuesEntry #

Field Type Description
key string
value Value

ResponseTokenDecode #

Access token claims.

Field Type Description
username string
database string
exp double JWT expiration time
iss string

ResponseTokenLogin #

Token user properties

Field Type Description
id int64
username string
empnumber string
usergroup int64
scope string
department string

ResponseTokenRefresh #

Field Type Description
value string Access token code.

ResponseUpdate #

If the ID (or Key) value is missing, it creates a new item.

Field Type Description
values repeated int64 Returns the all new/updated IDs values.

ResponseUserLogin #

Field Type Description
token string Access JWT token
engine string Type of database
version string Service version

ResponseView #

Field Type Description
values map ResponseView.ValuesEntry key - results map

ResponseView.ValuesEntry #

Field Type Description
key string
value ResponseRows

Tax #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Tax taxcode
Field Type Description
id int64
taxcode string Unique ID.
description string
rate double Rate or interest value
inactive bool
metadata repeated MetaData Tax meta data

Tool #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Tool serial

  • toolgroup: all groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal toolgroup

  • product_id: Product partnumber

Field Type Description
id int64
serial string Unique ID. If you set it to numberdef, it will be generated at the first data save. The format and value of the next data in row is taken from the numberdef (numberkey = serial) data series.
description string
product_id int64 Reference to
oneof _toolgroup.toolgroup optional int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’toolgroup')
notes string
inactive bool
metadata repeated MetaData Tool meta data

Trans #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: Trans transnumber

  • transtype: all groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal transtype

  • direction: Valid values in, out, transfer

  • customer_id: Customer custnumber

  • employee_id: Employee empnumber

  • department: all groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal department

  • project_id: Project pronumber

  • place_id: Place planumber

  • paidtype: all groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal paidtype

  • transtate: all groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal transtate

Field Type Description
id int64
transnumber string Unique ID. If you set it to numberdef, it will be generated at the first data save. The format and value of the next data in row is taken from the numberdef (numberkey = transnumber) data series.
transtype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’transtype’)
direction int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘direction’)
oneof _ref_transnumber.ref_transnumber optional string
crdate string
transdate string
oneof _duedate.duedate optional string Date-time
oneof _customer_id.customer_id optional int64 Reference to
oneof _employee_id.employee_id optional int64 Reference to
oneof _department.department optional int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘department’)
oneof _project_id.project_id optional int64 Reference to
oneof _place_id.place_id optional int64 Reference to
oneof _paidtype.paidtype optional int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘paidtype’)
oneof _curr.curr optional string
notax bool
paid bool
acrate double
notes string
intnotes string
fnote string
transtate int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’transtate')
closed bool
metadata repeated MetaData Trans meta data

UiAudit #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: UiAudit {usergroup}~{nervatype}~{transtype}

  • usergroup: all groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal usergroup

  • nervatype: all groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal nervatype

  • subtype: all groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal transtype, movetype, protype, custtype, placetype

  • inputfilter: Valid values disabled, readonly, update, all

Field Type Description
id int64
usergroup int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘usergroup’)
nervatype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’nervatype')
oneof _subtype.subtype optional int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘movetype’)
inputfilter int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘inputfilter’)
supervisor bool

UiMenu #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: UiMenu menukey
Field Type Description
id int64
menukey string
description string
modul string
icon string
method int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘method’)
funcname string
address string

UiMenufields #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: UiMenufields {menukey}~{fieldname}

  • menu_id: UiMenu menukey

Field Type Description
id int64
menu_id int64 Reference to
fieldname string
description string
fieldtype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘fieldtype’)
orderby int64

UiMessage #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: UiMessage {secname}~{fieldname}~{lang}
Field Type Description
id int64
secname string
fieldname string
lang string
msg string

UiPrintqueue #

Field Type Description
id int64
oneof _nervatype.nervatype optional int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’nervatype')
ref_id int64 Reference to {nervatype}.id
qty double
oneof _employee_id.employee_id optional int64 Reference to
report_id int64 Reference to
crdate string Date-time

UiReport #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: UiReport reportkey

  • nervatype: all groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal nervatype

  • transtype: all groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal transtype

  • direction: all groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal direction

  • filetype: all groupvalue from Groups, where groupname equal filetype

Field Type Description
id int64
reportkey string
nervatype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’nervatype')
oneof _transtype.transtype optional int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ’transtype')
oneof _direction.direction optional int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘direction’)
repname string
description string
label string
filetype int64 Reference to (only where groupname = ‘filetype’)
report string

UiUserconfig #

RequestUpdate Key->ID keys:

  • id: {empnumber}~{section}~{cfgroup}~{cfname}

  • employee_id: Employee {empnumber}

Field Type Description
id int64
oneof _employee_id.employee_id optional int64 Reference to
oneof _section.section optional string
cfgroup string
cfname string
oneof _cfvalue.cfvalue optional string
orderby int64

Value #

Field Type Description
oneof value.boolean bool
oneof value.number double
oneof value.text string google.protobuf.NullValue null = 4;

Enums #

DataType #

Name Number Description
address 0 Address
barcode 1 Barcode
contact 2 Contact
currency 3 Currency
customer 4 Customer
deffield 5 Deffield
employee 6 Employee
event 7 Event
fieldvalue 8 Fieldvalue
groups 9 Groups
item 10 Item
link 11 Link
log 12 Log
movement 13 Movement
numberdef 14 Numberdef
pattern 15 Pattern
payment 16 Payment
place 17 Place
price 18 Price
product 19 Product
project 20 Project
rate 21 Rate
tax 22 Tax
tool 23 Tool
trans 24 Trans
ui_audit 25 UiAudit
ui_menu 26 UiMenu
ui_menufields 27 UiMenufields
ui_message 28 UiMessage
ui_printqueue 29 UiPrintqueue
ui_report 30 UiReport
ui_userconfig 31 UiUserconfig

ReportOrientation #

Name Number Description
portrait 0
landscape 1

ReportOutput #

Name Number Description
auto 0
xml 1
data 2
base64 3

ReportSize #

Name Number Description
a3 0
a4 1
a5 2
letter 3
legal 4

ReportType #

Name Number Description
report_none 0
report_customer 1
report_employee 2
report_event 3
report_place 4
report_product 5
report_project 6
report_tool 7
report_trans 8

Scalar Value Types #

.proto Type Notes C++ Type Java Type Python Type

double double float

Uses variable-length encoding int64 long int/long

bool boolean boolean

A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode

May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str