Installation #
Docker image #
docker pull nervatura/nervatura:latest
docker run -i -t --rm --name nervatura --env-file YOUR_ENV_FILE_PATH/.env -p 5000:5000 -p 9200:9200 -v YOUR_DATA_PATH:/data nervatura/nervatura:latest
Snap package (Linux daemon) #
sudo snap install nervatura
Checking service status and last logs:
systemctl status -l snap.nervatura.nervatura.service
Default snap data and http log path: /var/snap/nervatura/common
The nervatura service starts by default. More examples:
sudo systemctl
sudo systemctl
Stop the service and start the program with the system tray icon/menu:
sudo systemctl stop snap.nervatura.nervatura.service
/snap/nervatura/current/nervatura -tray
Stop the service and start with the tray icon/menu as a background process. The (temporary) log file of the application must also be set, otherwise the info and error messages that have been continuously written to the screen until now will be lost. The new HTTP log file is required for file access reasons.
sudo systemctl stop snap.nervatura.nervatura.service
NT_APP_LOG_FILE=./nervatura.log NT_HTTP_LOG_FILE=./nervatura-http.log /snap/nervatura/current/nervatura -tray &> /dev/null &
Node.js NPM #
npm install --save nervatura
Add a run script to your package.json
file like this:
"scripts": { "nervatura": "./node_modules/nervatura/bin/nervatura" }
npm run nervatura
Winget (Windows Package Manager) #
winget install --id Nervatura.Nervatura --source winget
Start with the tray icon/menu and an .env file
& "C:\Program Files\Nervatura\nervatura.exe" -tray -env C:\ProgramData\Nervatura\.env.example
Start with the tray icon/menu as a background process (PS terminal). The (temporary) app and HTTP log file must also be set, otherwise the info and error messages that have been continuously written to the screen until now will be lost.
$env:NT_APP_LOG_FILE="C:/ProgramData/Nervatura/data/nervatura.log"; $env:NT_HTTP_LOG_FILE="C:/ProgramData/Nervatura/data/http.log"; Start-Process -FilePath "nervatura.exe" -ArgumentList "-tray" -WindowStyle Hidden
or just simply run this
& "C:\Program Files\Nervatura\nervatura.bat"
Default Nervatura data directory: C:\ProgramData\Nervatura\data
Prebuild binaries #
Other platforms and custom build #
git clone
cd nervatura/service
Build command:
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(OS_NAME) GOARCH=$(ARCH_NAME) go build -tags "$(TAGS)" -ldflags="-w -s -X main.Version=$(VERSION)" -o nervatura main.go
You can see the list of supported platform by running:
go tool dist list
optional modul list: all, http, grpc, postgres, mysql, mssql, sqlite$(VERSION)
application version
go build -tags "http postgres" -ldflags="-w -s -X main.Version=5.1.0" \
-o nervatura main.go
See more: Building Applications in GoLang
Configuration Options #
The application uses environment variables to set configuration options. It will be read from the .env.example file. Set the environment variables as needed!
The .env
file can be created in the current working directory, where the command is executed (in development mode). The name and location of the configuration file can also be specified in the command line parameters:
nervatura -tray -env /path/.env.example
System tray icon / menu -> Configuration values