Tool movement

Overview #

The movement of products in warehouses can be tracked with INVENTORY and DELIVERY document types. To track the moves of tools the WAYBILL type should be used. It helps to connect the tool for a certain period to a customer, employee or document (orders, worksheets, rental, invoice).

The forms to provide easy handling are designed to enable connecting multiple tools to a customer, employee or document with one data sheet. This allows to easily manage cases like following up on equipment being handed out to or taken back from your employees, as well as tracking the tools being used for a given project.

Input fields #

Document No. #

Unique ID, generated at the first data save. The format and value of the next data in row is taken from the DOCUMENT NUMBERING (code = waybill) data series.

Direction #

OUT, IN. Value cannot be changed after first save!

Creation #

Date of creation. Automatic value, cannot be changed.

State #

Its value and editing possibility is linked to ACCESS RIGHTS setting. Not used in current version.

Reference Type #


Reference #

Depending on the Reference Type, an ID for DOCUMENT, CUSTOMER, EMPLOYEE.

Comment #

Remarks field.

Internal notes #

Internal comments. Text defined in this field will not appear on the document.


Unlimited number of supplementary data can be added.


Editable remarks, data for reports.


  • Shipping Date: Stock release or receipt date.
  • Serial: One of the items of TOOL.
  • Comment: Other remarks, data.

Operations #


Create a new, same transaction type document on the basis of current document’s data.

The dates and information related to creation gets updated and the references from the original document will not be transferred either.




Set a bookmark for the record. Later can be loaded from bookmarks at any time.