Overview #
Format settings of unique identifiers of documents (eg. orders, invoices, cash receipts, delivery notes etc.) and other resources (eg. customers, products, employees, etc.). If a new item is created the identifiers will follow the rule which was set here.
Input fields #
Code #
A unique identifier for a certain set of rules. Its value can not be changed.
Prefix #
The text prefix of the identifier. It can be any length, but usage of special characters, spaces in the text is not recommended.
Year #
If selected, the created identifier will contain the year. The number is not formed automatically from the current date, but can be set in the DEFAULT SETTINGS section, in the business year field. This is due to avoid any technical issues resulting from changes in different fiscal or calendar years.
Separator #
The separator character in the identifier. Default value: /
Lenght #
The value field is arranged in such length to the right and filled with zeros.
Value #
The current status of the counter, the next sequence number will be one value higher than this one. It is possible to re-set the counter, but the uniqueness must be ensured in all cases!